When we partner together, miracles happen
Be a LifeGiver!
It is a pleasure to invite you to our LifeGivers partnership program. Partnership with purpose makes this possible. Through your faithful and consistent support, you become an expression of God’s heart to people without hope. And when you partner with us as a Bridge of Hope, Miracles happen for others and for you. Because of your generosity, God’s favor and goodness become a part of your life too.
Thank you for wanting to touch someone today!
As a LifeGiver, you partner with Ps Emmanuel & the Dunamis family, to make a difference. Your heart and hands are joined with us, by praying and financially supporting the outreaches of Dunamis Christian Centre each month. The amount of your giving is between you and God. Giving is meant to be an expression of your love and commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God.
A LifeGiver is someone who fights for a cause, a hero who comes to the rescue of those in need. In our world today, we need LifeGivers. People need hope. They need to discover the miracle of a personal relationship with Christ.
Miracles do happen!
Thank you for giving to help bring hope, change lives, restore relationships, transform communities and nations for Jesus Christ.
With your help we will continue to tell the world, "God loves you, He cares and His strength can carry you through any obstacle in life."
Believing for God's best,